Enrolment PDFs
Enrolment Information, Handbooks and Personal Items Lists
2025 Personal Requirements Lists/School Charges and Contributions/Handbooks
Clarkson PS Pre-Primary 2025.pdf
Clarkson PS Year 6 2025.pdf
2025 School Charges Contributions.pdf
2025 Early Childhood Handbook.pdf
Enrolments Forms
Clarkson Primary School is a local-intake area school. This means there is a designated geographical area from which enrolment applications are accepted. Applications from outside the local-intake area are prioritised in accordance with the School Education Regulations 2000. Information on the Clarkson Primary School local-intake area can be found within this section of the website or by phoning the school on 6207 5200.
Enrolment into a public school is a two part process.
Part 1: Application for Enrolment. Parents lodge this form with the school along with the required supporting documentation.
Part 2: Enrolment Form. If your child is eligible for enrolment, you will be provided with an Enrolment Form to complete which includes parent information about enrolment in a Western Australian public school. All information provided is treated confidentially.
Families seeking enrolment with a Visa should contact the school office for further information. Alternately, further information about enrolling into a WA school with a Visa can be found at TAFE International.
At Clarkson Primary School we provide a high quality of primary school education to help prepare our students to become successful Australian citizens. The school environment is supportive and friendly, with students, staff and parents working together to build high self-esteem and to achieve the best learning outcomes for all children. It is an accepted reality that children from families which are supportive of their school’s programs and policies have better attitudes to learning and to school in general.