Physical Education

Students from Pre-Primary to Year 6 at Clarkson Primary School engage in one hour of formal Physical Education (PE) every week.

The focus for year Pre-Primary-2 students is to develop their Fundamental Movement Skills through playing games. They learn basic rules to these games and develop a sense of safe and fair play.

Years 3-6 students develop competence in Fundamental Movement Skills by learning more complex skills associated with the more traditional games such as Cricket, Basketball, Netball and Football. These students learn movement strategies such as defending and creating space while playing by the rules.

During terms 1 and 2, the senior students select a sport to learn and participate in an Interschool Summer and Winter Carnival.

Term 3 is dedicated to Athletics. Cross Country, Middle Distance, Short Distance Sprints, Tabloid Games and Field Events form part of our annual Faction Athletics Carnival. Successful students from these events then participate at an Interschool Carnival.

Two weeks of Swimming Lessons are an annual feature of the PE program.
